The Statue of Liberty Club (SLC) started in the fall of 1991 with a 3-page newsletter and 3 members. Today there are several hundred members reading and enjoying the newsletter. (And you thought you were the only one that’s infatuated with her!) There are members in Canada, France, South Africa and the United States.” Notables receiving the Club’s Newsletter include the Mayor of New York City, the Governors of New York and New Jersey, the Secretary of U.S. Department of the Interior, the National Park Service Superintendent of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island National Monument.
Being a member gives a sense of belonging with like-minded individuals. When one associates with members, information is shared and the teaching/learning begins. Some members may be considered experts in a part or 2 of their field but nobody is an expert in all. Sharing helps members learn more about a particular field or item. Reading the newsletter and attending club meetings starts building that relationship.
The bottom 2 lines are belonging to a club allows members to interact with others who have like interests. Members are encouraged to communicate with each other on any convenient format and to attend club meetings.
Clubs can also be called different names in other countries. For example, society, organization, association, alliance, clique, affiliation, and fellowship.